
Friday 25 August 2017

I think we should celebrate Christmas because we get present and lollies but if I wish it will snow this Christmas because it has never ever snowed on the North Island before. I thought that Christmas is the day that Jesus was born and died in the same day as he was born. The day I was praying with my family in the church. The day it was Christmas I was to excited for opening my biggest present ever. In summer I don’t like the snow melting in summer. But I still love summer. I Love having my family with me because it will be fun having all family including my sisters and brothers. Last year we went to a Christmas service in a church that was called the love of Jesus that is my family church. It was my first time going into the church. I think Christmas is the most fun to celebrate because you can spend time with your family.

Why is it important to be responsible when using a chromebook? It is important to be responsible when using a chromebook so it doesn’t get damaged.I will be responsible to not damage a chromebook.If i was carrying a chromebook then i will be responsible. If it is damaged then you won’t see anything. If your parents signed the kawa of care and you break the glass it will be expensive to repair your chromebook glass.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Everyone should own a dog

Everyone should own a dog.                                                I disagree because you have to clean them and pick their poop up. If you wasted money on dog treats and toys,a bone then you will have no money left in your bank account.Dogs are dangers to my baby cousin Aaravie.

Dogs have sharp teeths and bark for food and howl at night time. But sometimes dogs get sick during the day or night. If a dog is lying on the floor or doesn’t eat his or hers food then you have to call the vets ASAP! Dogs are kind of itchy if you pat a dog with fleas then you get itchy bites and you can get really itchy.


Back in my day

Lete's dream